This site is dedicated to examining the United War Work Campaign of 1November 11-18, 918, a joint effort by seven different war relief organizations to raise $170,000,0000 to provide entertainment for American troops abroad in World War I. The American Library Association, Jewish Welfare Board, Knights of Columbus, Salvation Army, War Camp Community Service, Young Men’s Christian Association and Young Women’s Christian Association were very different organizations, yet they were all involved in this effort to raise funds for their war work abroad. The campaign beganNovember 11, 1918, on the day the war ended. However, fundraising continued, as troops would remain in France until well into 1919.
This site examines the background of World War I, the background of these different organizations, how they came to be involved in war work and what they did for soldiers serving in France. The United War Work Campaign’s publicity crusade in the U.S. is also discussed. Special attention is paid to other key issues in America at the time of World War I, such as race relations, 100% Americanization, religious pluralism, and American unity, and how these disparate themes affected and were affected by the United War Work Campaign.
U.S. Entry into World War I
To more on U.S. entry into World War I, click here.
To learn more about the groups involved, click here.
To learn about the UWWC and race, click here.
To learn about the UWWC and gender, click here.
To learn about the UWWC and religion, click here.
To learn about the UWWC and immigrants, click here.